Yung Shun Brush Co., Ltd. is established in the beginning of 1980 as a manufacture of shaving sets, cosmetic and bathroom mirrors. Several models are available for customers. Adopting the integrated production method, there are 20 to 50 staff in the factory to produce top quality shaving sets and mirrors, which are sold the reasonable price. Also, we keep our new designs in step with the latest market trend. 本公司於西元1980成立至今,都本着「品质**,交货准时,价格公道」的理念服务客户。 2006年为增加推广闽台**,本司增设〝MIRRORKING〞的**来服务大家,来提生产品的品质 ,希望未来需要各位的支持跟照顾。 并定期开发新产品来满足现代消费者的需求更让客户对本公司的产品更加有信心,命中率达百分 之百,更为各贸易商及赠品公司设计你想需要的新产品,各位业务请与本公司接洽